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Gender and ICT : Opportunities and Challenges

Price £280.00

ISBN 9781839364181


Year 2019

Publisher APLS Publishing Co.

Subject ICT

Binding HB

Cover Image Available

"As a global phenomenon capable of affecting the attainment of millennium development goals (MDGs), digital divide has been researched and discussed in Ghana. The Government of Ghana (2003) launched the ICTs for Accelerated Development (ICT4AD) policy document to guide the development of information and communication technologies in the country. In this document, ICTs were identified as key drivers of socio-economic development, and there were indications of spreading these technologies throughout the Ghanaian community. The policy document acknowledged the possibility of a digital divide during deployment, and therefore strategies were projected for making ICTs available to and accessible by rural communities, women and children, as well as the visually, mentally and physically disadvantaged members of the public (Government of Ghana, 2003)."