Preface IX 1. Mechanical Engineering Design in Broad Perspective 1 Introduction 1 An Overview of the subject 2 Safety considerations 3 Societal Considerations 5 Overall Design considerations 6 Methodology for Solving Machine Component Problems 9 Work and Energy 9 Power 12 Conservation of energy 12 2. Load Analysis 15 Introduction 15 Equilibrium Equations and Free body Diagrams 16 Beam Loading 21 Locating critical sections-Force Flow Concept 23 Load division between Redundant supports 24 Force flow concept Applied to Redundant Ductile structures 29 3. Materials 34 Introduction 34 Constituents 48 The Static Tensile Test-‘’Engineering’’ Stress-Strain Relationships 54 Implications of the “Engineering” Stress–strain relationships 62 The Static Tensile Test-“True” stress –strain relationships 63 Energy-Absorbing Capacity 67 Estimating Strength Properties from Penetration Hardness Tests 71 Use of “handbook” data for material strength properties 81 Machinability 82 Cast iron 85 Steel 92 Nonferous Alloys 97 Plastics and Composites 103 Materials selection charts 108 Engineering Materials Selection Process 109 4. Static Body Stresses 117 Introduction 117 Axial loading 119 Direct shear loading 122 Torsional Loading 124 Pure bending loading, straight beams 125 Pure Bending, curved beams 134 Induced Stresses, Mohr Circle representation 136 Stress equations related to Mohr’s Circle 137 Three Dimensional stresses 138 Stress Concentration Factors ,Kt 138 Importance of Stress Concentration 139 Residual Stresses caused by Yielding –Axial Loading 140 Residual Stresses caused by Yielding –Bending and Torsional Loading 140 Thermal stresses 141 Importance of residual stresss 142 5. Elastic Strain, Deflection and Stability 146 Introduction 146 Strain definition , Measurement and Mohr circle Represntation 147 Analysis of strain-Equiangular Rosettes 150 Analysis of strain-rectangular Rosettes 151 Elastic Stress–Strain Relationships and threes Dimensional Mohr Circles 153 Deflection And Spring Rate-simple cases 154 Beam deflection 155 Determining Elastic deflections by Castigliano’s Method 156 Euler Column Buckling–Elastic Instability 157 Equivalent column length for various End Conditions 157 Column design Equations- J. B. Jhonson Parabola 161 Eccentric Column Loading–the Secant Formula 162 Equivalent Column stresses 163 Other types of Buckling 164 Finite element Analysis 164 6. Failure Theories,Safety Factors and Reliability 168 Introduction 168 Types of failure 170 Fracture Mechanics-Basic concepts 172 Fracture Mechanics – Applications 173 Maximum Normal Stress Theory 174 Maximum Shear Stress Theory 174 Maximum Distortion Energy Theory 174 Mohr Theory and Modified Mohr Theory 175 Selection and Use of Failure Theories 175 Safety factors –concept and Definition 177 Safety factors –Selection of a Numerical Value 178 Reliability 178 Normal Distribution 179 Interference theory of Reliability predictions 180 7. Impact 182 Introduction 182 Stress and Deflection caused by Linear and Bending Impact 183 Stress and Deflection caused by Torsional Impact 191 Effect of Stress Raisers on Impact Strength 192 8. Fatigue 194 Introduction 194 Basic concepts 196 Standard fatigue strength for Rotating Bending 197 Fatigue strength for reversed bending and reversed axial loading 197 Influence of surface and size on fatigue strength 204 Effect of mean stress on fatigue strength 206 Effect of stress concentration with completely reversed fatigue loading 210 Effect of stress concentration with mean plus alternating loading 212 Effects of surface treatments on the fatigue strength of a part 213 Mechanical surface treatments-shot peening and others 214 Thermal and chemical surface hardening treatment 220 General approach for fatigue design 231 9. Surface Damage 232 Introduction 232 Corrosion Fundamentals 233 Corrosion: Electrode and electrolyte Heterogeneity 234 Design for Corrosion Control 234 Corrosion plus static stress 237 Corrosion plus cyclic stress 238 Cavitation damage 238 Types of wear 244 Adhesive wear 245 Abrasive wear 246 Bibliography 249 Index 251 |