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Computer Automation In Manufacturing

Price GBP 355.95

ISBN 9781839361623

Author Deedee Monk

Year 2018

Publisher APLS Publishing Co.

Subject Engineering & Technology

Sub Subjects Manufacturing Technology

Binding Hardcover

Cover Image Available

"Automation has been one of the most effective apparatuses driving efficiency for manufacturers. It can be thought of as the mechanization of processes in such a way that procedures can be followed and products can be created without human involvement. It has been achieved by various means including mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic, electrical, electronic devices, and computers, usually in combination. The benefit of automation includes labour savings, reducing waste, savings in electricity costs, savings in material costs, and improvements to quality, accuracy, and precision. Leveraging automation in manufacturing alongside advanced technologies, like robotics and robotic process automation through ERP software, are enabling even greater gains in productivity to be made each day. Computer automation in manufacturing provide instruction in computer architecture, interfacing to mechanical systems, and software development for continuous control and discrete event systems.

This book attempts to understand the multiple branches that fall under the discipline of computer automation and how such concepts have practical applications. It provides detailed information about the basic principles of this field. It explores manufacturing operations, manufacturing metrics, control technologies and industrial robotics. It also deals with material handling, manufacturing systems, quality control and inspection principles. It presents the complex subject of computer automation in the most comprehensible and easy to understand language. The topics included in it are of utmost significance and are bound to provide incredible insights to readers. This book is an essential guide for both graduates and post-graduates who wish to pursue this field further. "

Deedee Monk earned her Ph.D. in Manufacturing Systems Engineering from Technological University, Bahia. She is a Research Associate at College of Engineering, Yucatán. Her research interests are in production engineering, computer-integrated engineering, industrial manufacturing, automation and robotics. She has contributed numerous articles and research papers on production systems, material handling, facilities planning and work systems. Monk has been an eminent speaker in seminars across Europe, America and has won several awards and recognitions.

Preface IX
1 Introduction: Computer Automation in Manufacturing 1
1. Introduction 1
2. The Role of Computers in Industry 2
3. History of Computer Automation in manufacturing 3
4. Theory of Automation 5
5. Significant Applications 8
6. Advantages, Disadvantages, and Limitations 9
7. Automation Tools 14
8. Cognitive Automation 14
9. Recent and Emerging Applications 15
10. Conclusion 19
References 19
2. Manufacturing Operations 22
1. Introduction 22
2. Types of Manufacturing Processes 23
3. Manufacturing Processes 24
4. Service Operations vs. Manufacturing Operations 28
5. Operations Management in Manufacturing 29
6. Steps To An Effective Manufacturing Operations Management Strategy 33
7. steps to defining an effective manufacturing operations management strategy 34
8. Benefits 35
9. Managing the Production Process in a Manufacturing Company 36
10. Manufacturing Execution System 42
Conclusion 44
References 44
3. Manufacturing Metrics and Economics 47
1. Introduction 47
2. Most Valuable Metrics in Smart Manufacturing 48
3. Process Manufacturing Metrics Difference 51
4. Production Metrics 54
5. Manufacturing Cycle Time 54
6. Manufacturing Efficiency Metrics 54
7. Quality Metrics in Manufacturing 55
8. Supply Chain Metrics 55
9. Inventory Tracking System Metrics 56
10. Most important metrics to measure in manufacturing 57
11. Terms of Reference and Approach 58
12. What is Modern Manufacturing 60
13. Trends 62
14. Performance and Productivity 63
15. Manufacturing Economics 64
16. Measuring the Role Manufacturing Plays in the Economy 64
17. Impact and Measure of Manufacturing in the Economy 64
Conclustion 75
References 75
4. Automation and Control Technologies 78
1. Introduction 78
2. Manufacturing 79
3. Industrial Control Systems 88
4. Hardware Components for Automation and Process Control 90
Conclusion 105
References 106
5. Industrial Robotics 109
1. Introduction 109
2. Types and Features 127
3. Industrial Robotics Market Strategic Issues 130
4. Technical description 131
Conclusion 134
References 136
6. Material Handling and Identification 139
1. Introduction 139
2. Material Transport Systems 140
3. Storage Systems 166
4. Automatic Identification and Data Capture 174
Conclusion 180
References 181
7. Manufacturing Systems 184
1. Introduction 184
2. Overview of Manufacturing Systems 185
3. Single-Station Manufacturing Cells 189
4. Manual Assembly Lines 189
5. Automated Production Lines 193
6. Group Technology and Cellular Manufacturing 203
7. Flexible Manufacturing Cells and Systems 209
Conclusion 212
References 212
8. Quality Control Systems 216
1. Introduction 216
2. Quality Control 216
3. Quality Control System 218
4. Core Elements of a Quality Management System 218
5. Quality Manual 220
6. Organizational Structure And Responsibilities 220
7. Data Management 220
8. Processes 221
9. The Techniques of Quality Control 224
Conclusion 224
References 225
9. Inspection Principles and Practices 227
1. Introduction 227
2. Inspection 227
3. Inspection Technologies 239
Conclusion 239
References 239
Index 241